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M1 Košice, Slovakia, October 2019

TI4, október 2019

The first project meeting of the TI4 project took place on October 24-25, 2019 in Košice, Slovakia. A total of 11 participants took part and all project partners were represented. Basic information about the project was presented at the meeting. The presentation touched on the basic information about the Erasmus plus program, a short introduction of the partners, and in general the timeline of the project, objectives and target groups were presented. The Gantt chart was presented, which contains all the important points and milestones of the project, all intellectual outputs were explained. With this in mind, the objectives, activities and expected results of the project were presented. Furthermore, basic information regarding the financial side of the project, eligible and ineligible project costs, requirements and necessary documents for project administration were presented.


TI4, June 2021

The second meeting of the partnership was 03.06.2021 - this meeting was organized online, due to the situation of COVID 19 - it was attended by all partners - a total of 11 participants. At the beginning, the conditions of the virtual meetings were presented at this meeting, and the fulfillment of the action plan and tasks from the previous meeting was checked. Furthermore, the outputs were discussed, namely the analysis of the requirements of the target groups, a set of educational materials for the training of secondary school teachers and the educational and training ICT platform - Coursevo. Other tasks were divided among the partners and the date of the next meeting, which will be at the LUT in Poland, was agreed.

M3 LUT, POLAND, October 2021

TI4, October 2021

The third meeting of the partnership was held 07.10.-08.10.2021 in Lublin, Poland. It was attended by all partners, a total of 8 participants.
At the beginning of this meeting, the status of the previous project solution was discussed. Dissemination activities were controlled and tasks were divided among the partners for the further solution of the project. At the end of the meeting, the date of the last partner meeting was agreed, which was set for December 2021.

M4 KOŠICE, SLOVAKIA, December 2021

TI4, December 2021

The fourth, final meeting of the partnership was 17.12.2021 - this meeting was organized online, due to the situation of COVID 19 - it was attended by all partners - a total of 8 participants. We evaluated the current implementation of the project action plan.
We also focused on the professional side of the project, especially in relation to the necessary obligations necessary for the successful completion of the project both in terms of performance of tasks and in relation to partial obligations. At the same time, there was a joint discussion between the partners on these topics.


TI4, December 2021

The national dissemination workshop took place in Bardejov on December 10, 2021. Workshop in a total of 15 participants attended. Among the participants were employees and managers employees of individual companies. As all participants showed an eminent interest in the information offered the process itself was smooth. Some employees are still with AR / VR technology, so they had the opportunity to look at it in this way application to the educational process.
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TI4, October 2021

The National Dissemination Workshop in Greece took place on October 14, 2021 and was organized by Technická University of Crete, Greece. The workshop was held due to COVID-19 security measures online in the virtual space / classroom created on the T14 training platform (Coursevo) for this purpose. The workshop was attended by 24 people: vocational teachers / students, university teachers, industry staff and trainers / consultants.
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TI4, December 2021

On December 15, 2021, a National Dissemination Workshop was held in Poland, which it organized Technical University of Lublin. Due to security measures related to COVID-19 the workshops were not organized at the school, but after consultations with the project coordinator, the workshops were organized using an e-learning platform. During the workshop, all hygienic and safety measures valid in the given period were observed. A total of 27 participants attended the workshop.
Among the participants were employees and managers of individual research companies staff, secondary school teachers and students.

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TI4, December 2021

The C1 training course took place on 3.11.-5.11.2021 (3 days) and was organized by the Technical University on Crete (TUC), Chania, Greece. Due to the unfavorable development of COVID-19, the workshop took place virtually in a virtual space / classroom created on the T14 Coursevo training platform (https://ti4.coursevo.com) for this purpose. The training was attended by 10 people, all representatives project partner organizations. TUC, the developer of the TI4 Coursevo e-learning platform, introduced system and methodology of its use and creation of e-learning courses T14. The training also included use of augmented and virtual reality in a connected e-learning system. Each participating partner mails the opportunity to learn how to work with the Coursevo e-learning platform and develop selected TI4 modules as online courses.
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TI4, November 2021

The training course took place virtually on 18.11.2021, 19.11.2021 and 22.11.2021 (3 working days) due to the unfavorable development of Covid-19. The organizer was a partner of SSJH Bardejov. The course focused on selected topics of technology in production and practice.
The training was attended by 9 people, representatives of all partner organizations of the project The participants of the training had the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the process of creating an educational process in professional subjects. During the training, the participant used the virtual help.

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TI4, December 2021

The final virtual conference of the TI 4 Technology Industry 4 project for teachers and trainers of vocational education took place on December 16, 2021 (1 day) and was organized by the Joint School of Juraj Henisch in Bardejov, Slovakia. Due to the unfavorable development of COVID-19, the conference took place virtually in a virtual space / classroom created on the TI4 Coursevo training platform - https://ti4.coursevo.com.
The final conference was attended by 40 people, representatives of all partner organizations of the project.

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